Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 8 - Day 2 Botswana

"Today in animal handling we learned about a Sand Boa and how they are endangered and need saving."

"Today was totally awesome, we learned about Botswana and we got to see someone train a lion. It was amazing!"

"Gummy Bears! Today we ate 5 different colors of gummy bears. Three were normal and there were two red ones. One was covered in salt and one in sugar. They represented how farmers put chemicals in meat so the lions will not eat their livestock."

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Denver Zoo Camera Traps

As a part of the theme of the Wild About Conservation summer camp, we thought it would be fun to install camera traps in zoo exhibits to capture some cool images of our zoo animals. Throughout the week, campers will be checking in on the footage the cameras captured. We can't wait to see what our furry and feathered family members are up to when we aren't watching! Enjoy!

Daily Zoo Camera Trap Images

Daily Zoo Camera Trap Images
Female and baby Kudu-Denver Zoo